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Free Traffic Tips for Website

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Free Traffic Tips for Website  Reply with quote  

Well, you planned to run a website for information purpose or to earn some good income from the comfort of home. Thanks to the internet revolution, many people are earning good amount of money and most of the people fails to get stayed on this wonderful industry.

So, here's the question... How those people gets profit? How can I get in the successful list? What's the success formula?
You have a website with number of pages, good design, good graphics, good style and more importantly having some good useful contents for the visitors and added your affiliate programs and even some Pay per clicks like Google, Yahoo etc. You have launched the website some days before, months and even a year, but you'll find from the statistics of your website that you did'nt get more visitors day by day, somedays good unique visitors and somedays nothing.

Where to start?
First thing, you should be careful on selecting the Title, Keywords, Contents of your site and even on your domain name. These things should be much relative what you're going to publish for the visitors on the site. Lets see an example, if you're site relates to sports, select a domain name that involves the name sports (for example sportsworld.com, good-sports.com) and while creating the sub pages add the keywords in the URL not like page1.htm or page2.htm, you should put like www.playsports.com/football.htm, www.playsports.com/tennis.htm and even you can put www.playsports.com/tennis-players.htm etc... like that for all tbe pages.

You should create Meta Tag for keywords and description related to sports. You should add these keywords in the contents as much as possible with bold text. Dont put lot of graphics and animations in the page so that visitors get hard to read the contents and immediately they'll left out and also it will make the page to load slow.

Ok. How can i get visitors and gain more traffic?
There's lots of way to get Traffic some of them for Free and some for Paid. We'll look around the Free ones, first thing Search Engine Optimization, here comes the importance of Title, Keywords, Contents and in the Domain name. Some popular search Engines searches the keywords in the Title and someones in the Domain and Someones in the Contents and after launching your site most of the search engines crawls your site automatically, but still you have to submit your website to the search engines manually.

The next thing is Link Exchange, you have to search for websites that relevant to your sites contents. For example,again we'll take the sports site, search for sports related sites like football, tennis, cricket etc... visit the site and email the webmaster about your site and request them to add your website link on their website (probably on homepage) and behalf of that you should add their website link on your site. It will increase traffic and Google Page Rank (to check page rank for the site download Google Toolbar from [url]http://toolbar.google.com)[/url], so that your site also gets Page Rank from Google as soon as possible. Page Rank is very important, so that you'll get unique visitors and that will increase traffic more day by day..

The next thing is to prepare a Directory and again that should involve the categories relevant to your website. For example for the sports site create categories such as Football, Tennis, Cricket etc... so that other related webmasters likes to place their website link and description on your directory, this will also increase traffic. For free Directory script and the best I use on my site is php link directory and you can download from http://www.phplinkdirectory.com for free...

The next thing is to prepare some Articles about your site and place in relevant forums, article sites etc. While placing your articles in forums dont forget to add your site description and your site URL in the bottom(signature) of the article. So, people reading your article might also interested to visit your site and get to know more information on other related news...

Try to create small Ad matter about your site and place it large number of Free Classifieds Websites and again dont forget to place on relevant category, give importance more on Add Title and Description, this also will get some traffic and also it will increase page rank...

How to make the visitors return again to your site?
You'll probably update your site frequently, and you like to inform the visitors about your update, so how can to contact them and even you dont know about the visitors where they are coming from... for this solution, you can use Email marketing, you should create subscription form on your site and importanly place in the homepage and should be visible more clearly, so people likes to know more update in the future by you they will left out the email address. Whenever you update your site you should sent email regarding the new update, so people visit again to your site and you can promote your products as well... Dont forget or delay to reply emails for any queries from your visitors, quick response will make the visitors happy and they will be converted as your customers as soon as possible...

Happy Earnings

About the Author -
Jayakanthan is the Webmaster of http://www.worldwidenetjobs.com and He is researching Internet Marketing, work at home resources, Making money online for the past couple of years. To know more please visit http://www.worldwidenetjobs.com

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Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:44 pm
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Very good advice. That is true, a lot of the traffic you get does depend on the meta tags and the Title and Heading. I will use some of those tips to boost the traffic to my site, thanks!
Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:03 pm
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This article is published twice in the same forum... I dont know how to remove it... admin can help... Very Happy
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:19 am
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Nice advice. Keep up the good work Smile

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Post Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:14 pm
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