A question about matrix sites |
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A question about matrix sites |
I already know that most matrix sites are scam and all that, so you dont have to tell me that. But I was woundering, is it really illegal? And why is it?
Because when you buy something from a matrix site you buy a product. Most times it is a cd with software or a signal booster.
Lets say you pay $29 for the cd, and the list thing is just a "free gift", how can it be illegal then? Because you just bought a signal booster for $29. and thats not illegal is it? Please refer to the laws or something and help we with this. Also is it illegal in all countries, or just America?
Thank you.
Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:34 am |
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Good question |
I have done a little research on pyramid letters trying to get the same answers. What I discovered is what I believe are irrational reasons of why they are illegal.
Whats the principle behind it? I havnt found one that is justifyable. I think it is more irrationality that we are supporting lifestyles for politicians that spend to much time passing stupid laws to protect us from ourselves. I have never tried a chain letter (even if it is mathematically impossible) yet I believe trying it even three times and striking out would teach me a lesson and cost less than the politicians we support that think we cant take some responsibility for ourselves. It is not the proper role for government.
Can we all say thank you to our warm fuzzy Uncle sam for taking aprox 50% of our income to protect us from missusing a couple dollars of our own money and the other wasteful uses of our money.
Aprox potential loss to chain letter scam ??.. $150 after stamps envelopes and paper?
Aprox loss to Abusive Government -50% of our income
But I guess there are a lot of people who think we need to waste unlimited amounts to protect us from our own stupidity. I think some call it enabling.
Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:52 am |
Yo' Daddy
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Re: Good question |
quote: Originally posted by frcisafraud I have done a little research on pyramid letters trying to get the same answers. What I discovered is what I believe are irrational reasons of why they are illegal.
They are illegal because they all collapse and only those of whom are at the top of the pyramid profit.
Now we have pyramid schemes that could cost an unwitting participant their house, far more than a few bucks and stamps.
quote: Originally posted by frcisafraud But I guess there are a lot of people who think we need to waste unlimited amounts to protect us from our own stupidity.
Oh, I am TOTALLY with you there and don't forget the lawyers' culpability in that.
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Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:26 pm |
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But some people do need to be protected from their own stupidity. What's the cost to society if people lose their home or all their savings?
Don't get me started on lawyers.
Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:09 pm |
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The LAW |
quote: Originally posted by Cheque2Cheque But some people do need to be protected from their own stupidity. What's the cost to society if people lose their home or all their savings?
Don't get me started on lawyers.
Well Foreclosures and Bankruptcy happens everyday. A law about marketing scams hasn prevented people from loosing thier homes.
The IRS has also confiscated property and terrorised many citizens and we allow that to happen. When it comes to protecting people we have a double standard.
Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:58 pm |
Yo' Daddy
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Re: The LAW |
quote: Originally posted by frcisafraud The IRS has also confiscated property and terrorised many citizens and we allow that to happen. When it comes to protecting people we have a double standard.
Terrorised? baha. The IRS confiscates property to collect overdue taxes. Pay your taxes, and you have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you are a criminal.
How do you know that anti-scam laws haven't protected anybody? When the FTC shuts down Brixdale, for example, they will be unable to con people out of their homes and money.
I agree, sometimes the gov't goes too far (Give me my ephedra back! ), but some measures are justifiable. I am all for small gov't and believe that ours is much too large, but I am not anti-gov't.
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Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:12 pm |
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ANTI-Government |
Most Americans are not Anti-government. However there is an overwhelming potrayal and labeling towards people that are against government abuses and Fraud within Government.
What gives the IRS the right to steal money from peoples paychecks or otherwise. Why just give into the bully and pay him? "pay your taxes and you have nothing to worry about" ?? that sounds like a threat from a bully.
The IRS is the biggest scam and fraud of them all. THE IRS is ANTI-FREEDOM and CONSTITUTION, it is PRO BANKING CARTEL, BIG INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT, and unfortunately that is its sole purpose.
Labels of those that speak out against it is just a method to "shoot the messenger" rather than take responsibility for determining the merits of the message. However, Who is Able to make war with the Beast? LOL
I am certainly not suggesting you dont pay your taxes. Just that we need education, awareness and peacefull reform.
Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:30 am |
Yo' Daddy
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Re: ANTI-Government |
quote: Originally posted by frcisafraud What gives the IRS the right to steal money from peoples paychecks or otherwise. Why just give into the bully and pay him? "pay your taxes and you have nothing to worry about" ?? that sounds like a threat from a bully.
What gives the IRS the right? The criminal tax-dodger does. That is not a threat; there are consequences for breaking the law. A bully takes what is not righfully his by force. You cannot compare the IRS to a bully: it is their money*, we know what is their money up-front, and they are only collecting what is owed to them.
Don't get me wrong: I think taxes are too many and too high, but that isn't the topic of this conversation.
* Jesus said..."Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?"
"Caesar's," they replied. Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." -Matthew 22:19-21
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Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:52 pm |
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Excellent quote, And that is the general myth abouth the IRS.
Give unto Ceaser that which is Ceasars, But The system is actuial promoting Give unto Ceasar that which belongs to Rolo (or whoever).
The other myth is thinking we know it is owed to them.
Let me get some more info about that. I will gladly post some truths, contraversial or not. We all have the choice to enable the Beast or swallow the big bitter pill of truth. I always find it great when people are curious and not closed minded to the point of ignorance where they dont even want to know.
Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:57 pm |
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Challenging the IRS |
GET $10K
Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:29 pm |
Yo' Daddy
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What? OUR government corrupt? I thought America agreed that character wasn't important...
There's a lot of interesting things in those links. I had heard a long time ago that income tax wasn't Constitutional. Then again, neither are many 'gun control' laws. (Here's a thought: How about 'criminal control' instead?)
But...what can we do?
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Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:32 pm |
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Thats the most important question of all!
What can we do?
Freedom is our responsibility, and if americans continue to leave it up to someone else they will wake up one day with no freedoms left.
Some have said about gun control "they can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers" Thats a strong message, but unbfortunately many do not realize that when it gets to that point they will have no leverage left and it will be to late. There is just to much power deeply imbeded in the history of this.
Before a soldier goes to battle he must be prepared! And so it is with most everything including defending our liberties. Preparing and understanding principles of freedom should be foremost in any educational institute in America. Unfortunately this is not so. Also Americans are bombarded with so much information. Both Good Statesmen and false politicians advocate the same good goals. Who do you listen to? How do you know the difference? What side of the cultural war are we on? Americans are also very busy (the hardest working people). Finding and making time for these vital issues is hard for many of us. But it is essential that we learn in order to preserve soviernty. There are many Opinions about this, and many different organizations trying to make a difference. (this is also why bolgs are so popular right now. There is an explosion of information on the internet. Government and the "media" are attemting to pass laws as we speak to control this)
What do we do? That is why I contemplated for so long on how to "awaken people before its to late. The bottom line is People are driven by incentitive. That is why I found the Debt Free Freedom activist "ZO" and joined the organization. see my signature page!
Knowledge is powerful and Opportunity is in you hands to help educate others what will you do? (to all readers)
"He that expects to be ignorant and free expects that which never was and never will be" -God inspired founding father
Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:01 pm |
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Interesting quotes |
It's a fact of life that people find it much easier to believe a lie they've heard a thousand times than a fact they've never heard before."
Your income tax dollars do not support government services!
“Most Citizens pay Income Taxes out of a patriotic duty to support America. The abhorrent truth is, individual tax dollars DO NOT support America! Instead, 100% of Individual taxes are supporting a privately owned and NEVER AUDITED banking institution, which cannot collect enough from the graduated income tax to even pay for it's operating costs.” — John R. Beaman Educate America Foundation.
In the 1980's, President Ronald Reagan created a commission to study government waste entitled: The President's Private Sector Survey On Cost Control, popularly known as the "Grace Commission Report," named after its chairman, J. Peter Grace.
Chairman Grace revealed, in his introductory letter at the beginning of the report, that:
"100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual in come tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government.” --Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan on January 15, 1984
"I sincerely believe... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:23
.. "THIS is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosporous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the trajic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon".
Also note : Reagan, JFK, congressman MC FADDEN, and many others have had assasination attempts on thier lives, co-incidently? it was after the spoke of repealing the fraudulent monetary system! Rep RON PAUL is the only currently known representitive with bills on the books regarding this. They have so much power and the majority is clueless and therefor I dont feel the NWO people feel much threat anymore.
Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:08 pm |
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sd |
get all the dang liberals and democrats out of office and that would be a start
Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:00 am |