15 things you absolutely *must* do to suceed online |
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15 things you absolutely *must* do to suceed online |
Millions are now turning to the internet to make them rich, but only
a »lucky« few ever make it past the first year and of those even fewer really
succeed. I put lucky in quotation marks because as you should probably
know by now -- luck has nothing to do with it.
Those who succeeded symply follow or devise a system that works and
helps them fill their checking accounts every month. Along the way they
must have done at least these 15 essential things discussed below; and it
doesn’t matter if they sell their own product or are affiliates selling other
people’s products.
Too many people just set something up and hope for the best. Well,
wishful thinking doesn’t make millions -- ACTION does.
In order to succeed online, you must do these things:
1.) Actually start doing it now.
So many people are daydreaming on how they succeed online; imagine all
the money they earn each and every week, wish they could actually do it…
Well you can! Just stop thinking of doing it and do it… now! The longer you
wait the greater the chances are you’ll never start.
2.) Find a product or service you want to sell online.
You must do some research on the topic that interests you. The key is to
find a certain niche you can prosper in. If you are just starting out, I would
strongly suggest staying away from marketing or “making money online”
products or services. This is a very competitive market and unless you are
a genius and have superior persuasive abilities, you won’t succeed as well
as you would wish.
3.) Register a domain and create your own web site.
This is essential for the next step and is one of the biggest mistakes
people do. Without your website you can only do so much. The exception is
if you want to sell things on eBay, but still, even in this case, creating your
own web site will make you many more sales if you stick to these 15 rules.
You can get a domain name and up to five page web site for as little as
$8,00-$12,00! Where’s the risk in that? It’s very easy to create a web site
nowadays. There is much web creation software out there. Even Word for
Windows is capable of creating web sites.
4.) Capture names and email addresses.
After you’ve created a good looking, great content web site, you must
capture your prospect’s names and email addresses. You HAVE to build a
database, because these people are the ones you can sell to on and on.
Don’t reinvent the wheel – don’t try getting new prospects to your new
products. Simply email the existing ones. How to get people to enter their
name and email address into a form? Try giving them a gift if they do. You
can very easily get no cost ebooks or other things you could give away. Be
innovative. Maybe offer a short course on something.
5.) Create a relationship with your subscribers.
This is very easy to do. By that I don’t mean that the subscribers are
gullible, but that you can only do the work once (write your newsletter
or “mini course”) and have software deliver it to any new subscribers
automatically. This software is called ”auto responder software”.
6.) Present yourself as an authority.
You want to come across as an authority to your subscribers. If you fail to
do that, you won’t be able to sell them what you want. You can do this
easily by saying things like: “I’ve read all the books on the subject out
there…” or “After years of trial and error I finally got it…” etc. But don’t ever
lie. Try finding a thing you really did that elevates you above others. You
can easily do that simply by subscribing to various newsletters and ezines
in your field. Also never brag directly! Only subtly indicate that you’ve been
doing your homework so to speak.
7.) Start promoting products only after you’ve established a connection
with your subscribers.
This one is tough for most people to do. You see, the temptation to send
an endorsing email for an affiliate product you promote is enormous.
However, never ever do it before sending at least 7 high quality newsletters
or ezine issues. It’s in human psychology that we feel like we know
someone and feel connected to them after we’ve seen them or read their
article 7 times. This is of course a bit different if you’re promoting your own
product. In this case have at least 7 newsletters ready and just put a
simple line at the end of each referring them to your product. Something in
the lines of “To really get good at this, visit [my web site] and get [my
8.) Create a great sales letter for anything you promote.
Your job as an affiliate is to pre sell the product you are promoting. A great
way of doing it is through a story or a how-to article. Just show your people
exactly what you do to succeed at something and point them at
the “essential tools” they should use. The links are your affiliate links, of
course. What works great for me is writing ebook reviews and
recommending the really good ones. Key here is to actually buy the ebook
and read it. Test its usefulness and then write about it. Sometimes the
ideas presented in them sound great and logical, but in reality they rarely
work! Be careful not to suggest such a book. Your readers will be
disappointed. Also never suggest an ebook showing how to do something
and demanding of the readers to purchase additional “tools” to do it,
especially if the cost of the tools exceeds the cost if the ebook.
There are actually 7 more steps you must take to really succeed
You can get all 15 on this web site:
I’ll also go into much more detail there soon.
Hope this was helpful, I spent a long time writing it
P.S. I've created a new welcome message you can listen to at the main
blog site (http://insidemarketing.blogspot.com). Please tell me what you
think. Email me at: hypnodoc@gmail.com
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Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:50 am |
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thanks money maker for the tips, did you come up with these or copy/paste?
Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:43 am |
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Nope, it's mine |
Hi, you're welcome.
I wrote the article, but the ideas are not all mine. I got them through
listening to many, many internet marketing tutorials, teleseminars, reading
lots of books etc...
Some are from my own experience. I'll go into more detail soon on my
The Moneymaker
P.S. go also check out my other threads in this forum - "an exellent interview with Larry Dotson" and "a couple of ideas to make money online".
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Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:04 am |
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Nice Article
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:58 am |
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Very interesting list. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:16 pm |
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Welcome :) |
Welcome guys. I love to help. I'll be writing some more interesting articles
in the future.
UPDATE: I just got a word from a very renowned internet marketer and he
was kind enough to share with me that in the year 2006 there will be
Audio and Video "explosion". That's what's going to be in with info products.
So, get the software and start creating
If you need software to create web site audio (free ), contact me (info on
my blog). You can also post a comment on the most recent post.
Take care.
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Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:50 am |
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Hi Moneymaker,
I visited you blog and left a comment for you
Great information on there - but I couldn´t hear the audio, it was very low.
Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:19 pm |
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Hi moregold, thanx.
Yeah, sometimes you have to turn the volume up a bit. I don't know why.
It's working well on my computer. I'll do my future recordings louder.
Did you subscribe to the newsletter? Tell me what you think. I love
Have fun.
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Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:37 pm |
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Re: 15 things you absolutely *must* do to suceed online |
quote: Originally posted by Moneymaker79 1.) Actually start doing it now.
So many people are daydreaming on how they succeed online; imagine all
the money they earn each and every week, wish they could actually do it…
Well you can! Just stop thinking of doing it and do it… now! The longer you
wait the greater the chances are you’ll never start.
This aspect is the main and very important to get the succeed. What you said, so many people just keep dreaming to success in online business but not start as fast as possible.. Just do it but must know the right techniques. Practices makes perfect.
Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:16 pm |
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Thanks Moneymaker
Great information out there. Definitely something that I'm going to print and put in my information booklet I have.
Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:11 pm |
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streaming video in google is good to go |
Hi Everyone,
I like to add streaming video to the list for websites to profit. Human being like to see and hear from someone. I dislike reading wordy pages. I don't know about you.
Therefore I feel that today's website should include streaming video so that customers who drop in your site will relax and stay long. They will willing to listen and see your video for what you have.
Hence the number of pages on a website could be reduce to save money. A streaming video could do all the selling for you.
Presently there is just few companies that sell streaming video. You could do a search in Yahoo or Google for streaming video.
If you looking for a .ws domain name and website, watch my video and website link below.
Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:32 am |
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That's a pretty good post! Keep up the good work.
Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:22 am |
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Thank you guys, this really means a lot.
This will be one of the many articles I'll include in my "Online Success
Blueprint" -- a free publication that will be available to my subscribers first.
And that's not all. I'll make it rebrandable so anyone will be able to put his
or her affiliate links inside and give it away for maximum profits
You can subscribe from my blog.
Have a great day.
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Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:36 pm |